Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Iceland - Reykjavik & Mossfellsbaer

As a true knitaholic, I had to include yarn-related places to visit on our trip to Iceland. Some of the woolly sights were accidental, though, such as these yarn-bombed trees in Reykjavík.

We visited the mecca of Lopi, aka Ístex factory outlet at Álafoss (Mossfellsbaer, right outside of Reykjavík) twice. First time to get some yarn, second time to re-stock. We did, after all, drive around Western Iceland for a week, which means that by the time we returned to the capital area, I had finished a large proportion of the yarn bought on the first visit :D

I am sure that the Bentley knitting machine is placed in the corner of the shop to keep the husbands happy with engineering miracles

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